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Showing posts with the label Malawi


If my sisters ever were to hear me say, “well…” they might race to respond, “Deep subject for such a shallow mind.”   Stewardship season for Second Church’s Children's Sunday School is “well” begun.     A Second Truth I have learned is that “a little child shall lead them” is practiced and preached here. Just as Home arrived early, stewardship season has already landed in Children’s Sunday School.  October is Stewardship Season, but you will find our well already overflowing with generosity from children, parents, pre-school families, and other church members.   Every week the Children’s Second Church Sunday School digs deep to fund shallow wells in Malawi.So far we have $100+ to help provide safe and clean drinking water to our “kin” in Malawi We are wishing for more funds to help our friends stay well in their home town. Thinking of “well wishes” brings this familiar hymn by Horatio Spafford to mind:      ...