Friends, it is a little TOO easy to relate to the familiar Noah’s Ark story of Genesis. However, teaching it to a multi-aged class this Sunday taught me something new. Noah put his reminder on the ground where he would be able to touch it and to remember that even a seemingly forever-flood comes to an end. Faithfulness means remembering that God is with us. God put a reminder in the sky where we can remember to look up, to look around, and to remember that God’s love cannot be overcome by any kind of flood, fears, or sorrow. It had not occurred to me, until today, that we need to build a reminder for ourselves, too. Like Noah, we know that these days will seem far away by next year. However, we need to remember that isolation, fear, and tiredness do not last forever; God has set a promise in the sky. So, I encourage our families to build a touchstone in your house or garden to remind us that God’s hope floats. ...
Step into the world of Christian Formation. God's got the first step. What's the second step?