I rarely bought baby food for my children when they were
young. Maybe it is because I couldn’t
really afford it, but mostly it is because I just gave them a child-sized bite
of real food -- whatever I was eating. This bite would be smaller, a bit leaner,
a little less salty but it was real food.
When I think of it, that is what I try to do with children and the
Whether children are
playing games, listening to Bible Stories, or participating in a
mission/outreach project—I try to be sure that they are having a “child-sized
bite” of the life of the church.
Are you gathering food for the Food Pantry? Let your child select their favorite food to
Are you delivering Christmas gifts to a family? Let your
child help wrap them and deliver them.
Are you praying for the victims of a natural disaster? Let your child make a card, pack a bucket of
supplies, or lead you in prayer.
Children are present and full-members in the body of Christ. We must give them the vocabulary of care and
the spiritual muscle memory of connection.
We do this by engaging them where they are and including them in the
corporate activities of the church. Look
for ways that your child can take part and be present in outreach, mission,
care, nurture, worship and study. It
might be Wednesday night Kid’s Club where everyone is welcome. It might be Sunday School where we walk
through the faith stories of the Bible. It might be in worship when we pray for
friends and families and neighbors and the world. It might be in sorting clothing
or visiting with the homeless… whatever it is, children need and deserve to be
fully engaged in the life of the church. This bite may be smaller, leaner and a
little less salty, but it is real spiritual food. The Children's Ministries Team strives to envision with parents what would that “child-sized
bite” of participation in the kindom of God look like.
But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it… 2 Timothy 3:14
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