I was a Girl Scout in my early years, and yes a Brownie before that; there weren’t Daisy Scouts back then. Each meeting started with the Girl Scout Promise, “On my honor, I will try…” That was probably my first introduction to promises and promising. There were many to follow. From family commitments to childhood secrets we learn how to hold promises and make them part of ourselves. Later, the college I attended had an honor code requiring us to “pledge” every test and paper saying that “on my honor, I have neither given nor received any unauthorized assistance on this test/paper.” This pledge, or promise, was bound by a promise to live and to learn in a particular way according to a particular set of guidelines for the community. Font, Word, and Table Second Presbyterian Church Indianapolis, IN Our lives as Christians begin with hope and a promise. Our parents hope for us, and pray for us. More than likely, our church family does, too! So...
Step into the world of Christian Formation. God's got the first step. What's the second step?