Parental confession: my children did not grow up on Mr. Rogers. They just didn’t fall into that group. They were more Barney and Sesame Street. This bothered me for a VERY long time. It bothered me like, how “we ought to be going to church, but we aren’t” bothers some other parents. Is watching Mr. Rogers the same as going to church? No. Words matter and Fred Rogers was carefully and fully inclusive; he never spoke of “God” or “sacraments,” but his neighborhood was a study in formation, children’s radical formation where all are welcome, feelings are named, and children are respected. I think it is Kingdom work to facilitate those same things being found at church. No, not just at Sunday School – which is usually story telling focused and appropriation tasked. I mean, at church: At coffee hour where there are tables for their size among the adult-sized tables. At worship where there are “movement breaks” and welcoming words “just their size.” At fellow
Step into the world of Christian Formation. God's got the first step. What's the second step?